This design research aimed at developing a contextualized learning module on the basis of the level of problem-solving and critical thinking skills of the Grade 7 students particularly in Geometry under the K to 12 Curriculum.. This study utilized the researcher-made problem-solving and critical thinking skills test. The results revealed that the students’ problem-solving and critical thinking skills were at the beginning stage. The least-learned competencies in problem-solving and critical thinking skills were the bases of developing a contextualized learning module utilizing the ADDIE model. The design and development of the module was done through a seminar-workshop participated in by secondary school mathematics teachers. The implementation of the final draft of the module was done through pilot testing to determine the quality of the module. The results revealed that majority of the students found that the module was easy, exciting, enjoyable, and can enhance their problem-solving ability and critical thinking skills. The teachers also found that the contextualized activities can arouse the interest of the students. Hence, the contextualized learning module developed by the researcher can be used by teachers as support instructional material. Competencies in mathematics will be learned by more students if the contents are taught in the students’ real-world context.
Author Information
Efren Tellermo, Guimaras State College, Philippines
Chive G. Gabasa, West Visayas State University, Philippines
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2019
Stream: Educational Research
This paper is part of the ACE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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