With increased globalisation and immigration, multiculturalism is the status quo for many western societies, and with this, challenges concerning integration and equality arise. In Norway, we generally have a low unemployment rate, 2,7% in 2018, but, the situation is somewhat different for one group; immigrants. For this group, the unemployment rate was 6,4% the same year. This shows that people with an immigrant background have challenges succeeding with getting a job, and as a result, many of them turn to entrepreneurship. This is the background for the current study which is part of a project called «Multicultural value creation» run in the southern region of Norway by the Agder-county in cooperation with the EVA-centre (a centre for giving guidance to entrepreneurs). The project is supported by the Norwegian Directorate of Integration and Diversity. When being an immigrant and starting as an entrepreneur, there may be many challenges that occur, for example difficulties with the language, understanding taxation rules and other regulations and understanding the potential customers. Of the many businesses that are registered in general, only a small percentage survives. To support immigrants in a tough market, we have carried out motivation courses for those who have recently started or are about to start a business. We will present qualitative data from these courses which aimed at building resilience in the process of starting and running a business, by identifying and discussing goals, success factors and hindrances, and deciding on focus and necessary action to succeed.
Author Information
May Olaug Horverak, Birkenes kommune, Norway
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Conference: IICSEEHawaii2020
Stream: Economic and Social Inequality
This paper is part of the IICSEEHawaii2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Horverak M. (2020) How to Support Immigrant Entrepreneurs to Succeed in a Foreign Culture? – A Multiple Case Study from a Norwegian Context ISSN: 2432-8642 – The IAFOR International Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment – Hawaii 2020 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 11-22) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2432-8642.2020.2
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2432-8642.2020.2
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