Video Self-Modelling Intervention on the Social Skills of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


Social skills are abilities that are predominantly challenging for children with autism spectrum disorder (CWA). Unfortunately, most schools focused on academics and this ensues little time to engage the CWA to acquire different social skills. This alarming impact of social engagement deficiencies creates a need for an effective and evidence-based intervention to diminish barriers in acquiring and utilizing important social engagements. The research aims to evaluate the use of Video Self-Modeling (VSM) as an intervention for social skills of the CWA. The researcher used purposive sampling and gathered a total of 10 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). A mixed method design to describe the result of the survey instruments, documentary analysis, interview, and observation reveal the common social skill impairments of the CWA negatively affecting their relationship with the others. After the use of VSM intervention, most of the clients demonstrated substantial progress and development on their target social skill impairments. This result suggests that the use of VSM is an effective intervention for some social skill impairments of the CWA. Only a small number of the clients showed no positive changes in their target behaviors caused by the difficulties experienced by the teachers and the students on the implementation of VSM. Furthermore, the results of the research were utilized in preparing an easy-to-use guide for future VSM implementation.

Author Information
Mark Ryan Romero, Department of Education, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACE2019
Stream: Learning Experiences

This paper is part of the ACE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon