Swarm Intelligence Framework for Tutoring in Schools


A web-based intelligent tutoring system with some swarm intelligence capabilities and with the integration of a learning units with Adaptive Augmented Reality Serious Games (AARGS) is presented. Adaptation to the children, necessary for a more effective learning experience is achieved through two means: the use of sequencing graphs and swarm intelligence techniques. Sequencing graphs determine which paths are available for the children. Successful paths traversed by children are reinforced in the graph. This information is presented to the children every time they finish a learning unit, so they can choose next units with some information about how their peers did perform in the same situation. The mechanisms of stigmergy (inexplicit, mystical process by which ants and other social insects can create highly complex physical, social and communication structures without any apparent central planning or organization) will lead to the appearance of optimum learning paths. each learning unit presents a new educational platform that integrates augmented reality and intelligent tutoring to foster problem solving skills at k-6 to k-12 children through developing their strategic learning. This can be attained through hands on activities and adaptive learning process in a rich interactive environment.

Author Information
Iyad Suleiman, Ono Academic College, Israel

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2019
Stream: Educational Research

This paper is part of the ECE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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