We must realize that the current needs of society are due to how we have developed the minds of our society within our educational systems. In order to create a path of peace and wisdom in the world, we must understand how the stagnation of education and narrow-minded socioeconomic pressures have misguided students, teachers, and societies,and these must be changed in order to change the state of our future.
By dismantling the dualism that has been ingrained in societal values and beliefs, there is potential for fostering greater understanding and implementation of the idea that, regardless of the different individual entities that exist, we are all part of one world, a humanity that must recognize the importance and responsibility of this interconnectivity.
Education, which stimulates greater awareness through integrating independence and interdependence, would be evolutionary. Key to this evolution is allowing students to learn and expand their awareness beyond mere cognitive academic material into experimenting with consciousness and gaining insight into greater development of oneself and mankind. It requires the development of innovative methods of educating not only the minds but also the hearts students.
We have been researching this non-dualistic approach within society, as a means of achieving peace through integrative education. The United Nations and several non-profit international organizations, such as UNICEF, are looking at possible means of bringing about this core change and evolution through integrative education, which fosters the awareness of the importance of integrating independence and interdependence.
Author Information
Celeste Thirlwell, Sleep Wake Awareness Program, Canada
Sara Thirlwell, Sleep Wake Awareness Program, Canada
Paper Information
Conference: ECE2019
Stream: Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New
This paper is part of the ECE2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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