Society has changed as a result of the new technologies of the digital age. In addition, we are living today a knowledge explosion, what was considered to be powerful knowledge yesterday, is in doubt today, and may disappear tomorrow. As a consequence, earlier learning theories no longer interpret learning activities of learners in a digital age, because these theories were developed at a time when technology had no impact on learning at the level that today does and they were developed when knowledge grew slower. Therefore, Connectivism, a knowledge learning theory for the digital age, was emerged. In the same way, in a modern era, the concept of smart city and afterwards the concept of cognitive cities which involves the human factor also appeared. Connectivism in cognitive cities is not an area in which a great deal of research exist. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze how Connectivism for citizen learning and engagement in cognitive cities is applied. The methodology applied for this study was a qualitative content analysis approach where abstracts, discussions, results, and conclusions were the main target; however, the whole text was also read in some cases. The results showed that several approaches in the context of connectivism in cognitive cities were implemented, not always with complete success. This paper may help policymakers to take a proper decision in the way of adopting connectivism in cognitive cities and take into account critical issues.
Author Information
Monica Vaca-Cardenas, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Ecuador
Jaime Meza, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Ecuador
Astrid Astromelia Vargas Estrada, Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, Ecuador
Leticia Azucena Vaca-Cardenas, Universidad Tecnica de Manabi, Ecuador
Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2020
Stream: International Education
This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Vaca-Cardenas M., Meza J., Estrada A., & Vaca-Cardenas L. (2020) Connectivism as a Driver to Improve Citizen Learning in Cognitive Cities: A Literature Review ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2020 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-16) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2189-1036.2020.1
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2189-1036.2020.1
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