The research is aimed at developing a smart swimsuit for national athlete swimming user in Taiwan. This research utilizes wearable electronic device to monitor the Mechanomyography (MMG) muscle data of a swimmer to construct a smart swimming wear in real time. The athlete, coach team and medical team are able to read the muscle date pattern of athlete easily.
The research investigates on a smart swimsuit by following 4 steps. Firstly, the author interviewed the swim athlete to collect key factors and the problem of exist wear of swimming competitive sports. Secondly, after developing fashion illustration and garment technical drawing, the athlete is interviewed to adjust the garment design. Thirdly, the research takes hands on method, laser cutting technology, water proof heat transfer film, invention patent No. I1621405 of 3D sculpturing garment manufacturing method and system thereof to construct the cloth. The last step is that the athlete wears the garment to feedback about fitting. These feedbacks are taken to refine and align the swimsuit.
The research solves the fitting and water drag problems of existing swimsuit textile by adopting systematizing of the fashion design procedure mathematically.
In summation, this study focusses on developing a swimsuit for Taiwan national athlete competitive sports. It also demonstrated that a good deigning smart swimsuit helps to visualize the muscle data of athlete.
Author Information
Ying-Chia Huang, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Chien-Chang Ho, Fu Jen Catholic Universi, Taiwan
Yu-Jui Tung, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2019
Stream: Humanities - Cyberspace, Technology
This paper is part of the ACAH2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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