Unprogrammed Artificial Intelligent, Clone-focusing on the Film Never Let Me Go


What would happen if there is a machine that could learn emotions at a very similar pace to humans? The machine exists in reality. It is clones, which are created by humans like robots, and which humans have control of, and which benefit humans. The film Never Let Me Go is a great visual representation of the fate and life of these clones. The feature of the film, which is distinct from numerous films dealing with the clone, is that it not only describes the story from the clone's point of view, but also allows viewers to watch the clone's growth and suffering from childhood to adulthood. In the process, Clones doesn’t require an artificial programming in emotion learning and they learn emotions through natural relationships with people around them just like human beings. This paper focuses on the film Never Let Me Go and studies human-made creatures invading human boundaries and exerting influence. The paper is also meaningful in that the film study has been lacked when it compares to the original novel with the same title even though both works are dealing with the same content, and that the work can analyze the present and future of artificial intelligence and clones interpreted by the writer and the director.

Author Information
Sungbean Son, Yonsei University, South Korea

Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2019
Stream: Humanities - Media, Film Studies, Theatre, Communication

This paper is part of the ACAH2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon