Commodifying Human Body for the Life Survival in Islamic Legal Perspective: The Case of Organ Purchase among Refugees


The commodification of human body for the life survival matter has been evident among some refugees who, out of desperate and dire situations, engaged in selling body organs to have a better life for themselves and for others. The research examines the discussion on human dignity and the dignity of body to respond to human body commodification. In this regard, the research refers to the authoritative Islamic sources; early jurisprudential schools and the contemporary scholars discussing on the value and dignity of human, human body, and body commodification. In general, the Muslim scholars of both classical and contemporary times negate the idea of body commodification. Whether the concept of survivability permits buying and sale of body organs, is not the matter of objection of majority scholars in holding the prohibitive justification on buying and sale while some scholars see that dire necessity may compel some people to do things that are in general prohibited.

Author Information
Az Zahara Abu Jamal, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar

Paper Information
Conference: ACERP2019
Stream: Ethics - Medical Ethics

This paper is part of the ACERP2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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