Visual Basic Coding in Power Point-Based Lessons in Grade 6 Mathematics


There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction of computers such as PowerPoint-Based Lessons. It includes pedagogical approaches like interactive learning, inquiry-based approach, discovery learning and contextualized-localized learning that promotes student-centered activities and lessons, teacher-assisted instructions and appreciation of the locale by-products, livelihood, academic-occupational relevance, and individuality. Mixed method was used in getting the impression and significance increase of the pre-test and post-test. There was a large effect and significant increase in the pre-test and post-test scores in the learners’ conceptual understanding (d = 1.36 & 0.89), problem-solving skills (d = 0.56 & 0.39), and interest (d = 1.56 & 1.05) towards Mathematics in experimental and control group respectively. Unfortunately, there was only a small effect and no significant difference between the groups. However, it doesn’t pose any conflicts in the use of technology in the classroom context rather it clearly showed the versatility of the pedagogical approaches in the reality of the educational system. Overall, the quality of the instructional material and the assimilation of technological progress in the classroom are crucial for the teaching and learning process. In relevance with the changes, educators should accept and wholeheartedly embrace technology-based tool in teaching as one of the proofs of the continual professional development, keeping abreast with needs and interests of the 21st century Millennial learners. The challenge is to incorporate technology in a more engaging (active) rather than entertaining (passive) manner.

Author Information
Dick Anthony Calleja, Bicol University, The Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2019
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education

This paper is part of the ACEID2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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