Action Research Writing Ability Among Secondary School Teachers


This study focused on the action research writing ability of secondary school teachers in Tabuk City Division, Philippines, as affected by their socio-demographic profile. There were 15 secondary schools in the division; however, only 7 schools were participating in research. This was planned as a basis in giving technical assistance to improve teachers’ action research writing ability. The study involved 41 chosen teachers who have conducted action researches. It was a quantitative study and employed descriptive research design. The data on respondents’ socio-demographic profile was presented in percentage. Furthermore, Chi-square test was used to determine the association of the action research writing ability of the teachers with their socio-demographic profile. Results showed that most of the respondents were in the field of English, followed by Science, Math and Filipino. Majority were 36-50 (70.70%) years old, female (78%), master’s degree holders (75.6%), in the service for ten years and below (53.7%), with three or more trainings on research writing (65.9%), and with one action research conducted. Almost half (46.3%) hold Teacher III positions and the rest hold either a Master Teacher or Teacher II position. Results further showed that the overall action research writing ability of the respondents is at moderate level. Furthermore, Chi-square test revealed that the action research writing ability of the teachers does not have significant association with their educational attainment, teaching position, and length of service but have significant association with their field of specialization, age, gender, number of trainings attended and number of action research conducted.

Author Information
Gemmaline Bumanglag, Tabuk City National High School, The Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2019
Stream: Teaching Experiences

This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2019 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon