Along with the encouragement of Inclusive Education in Universitas Brawijaya-Indonesia, the students with disability, including the Deaf, are having an opportunity to join higher education in the mainstream educational context. It is challenging for Deaf students, especially those graduated from Special Needs Schools since their previous education has not prepared them to access higher education. Previous researches have well documented that most of the Deaf population are struggling with producing written language. Thus, this article purpose is to seek the grammatical-morphology patterns in Indonesian written language performed by Deaf college students in Universitas Brawijaya. This study involves 10 Deaf college students consist of two groups (1) 5 students graduated from Public Senior High School (P SHS) and perform oral communication, (2) students graduated from Special Needs Senior High School and perform SIBI (Indonesian Language Signed System) instead of BISINDO (Natural Indonesia Sign Language) (Sn SHS). The findings describe that all of the students are struggling with Indonesian grammatical-morphology though P SHS Deaf students show better performance on using the preposition, possessive pronoun, conjunction and use both inflectional and derivational morphemes than Sn SHS Deaf students. The discussion of this study related to the Deaf students' language preferences, the influence of sign language use, morphological awareness and Deaf first language. This article will be beneficial for teachers and other researchers to develop strategies to improve Deaf students' literacy and as a reference to give literacy intervention for deaf children.
Author Information
Alies Poetri Lintangsari, Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2018
Stream: Language Development & Literacy
This paper is part of the ACE2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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