Dance and Resistance in Tango and Reisado: Comparative Audio-Visual Research on Cultural Performance in Argentina and Brazil


Comparative audiovisual research, within Cultural Studies, has emerged in recent years as an interdisciplinary form of critic and social intervention. In Latin America, many of the cultural manifestations of the body, which had always been discredited in academic circles, are actually the center of interdisciplinary researching thanks to various audiovisual materials captured “in situ” by performers, philosophers and culture researchers in audiovisual essays. Examples of this resumption can be found in comparative research on popular dances in Brazil and Argentina. The audiovisual record of cultural performances in urban spaces updates the historical and choreographic relations linked to the influences that both countries receive from Afro-descendant culture. Many bodily manifestations restore the study systems of the corporal movement of improvisation based on the choreographic and rhythmic cells that refer to the forms of resistance. We will take as a basis analysis two of our audiovisual essays: "Tango, a embrace philosophy" and "Philosophies of the body in the Cariri of Ceará" (LÓPEZ GALLUCCI, 2009; 2018) that approach the tango in Argentina and the reisado from Carirí in Brazil. We seek to elaborate a filmic analysis of a synthetic set of choreographic cells comparing both dances. At present, the relational aspect of the Afro-descendant root underlies the body improvisation structured in duos in both tango and reisado. The Workshop is mainly aimed to dancers duos, body researcher, but also to audiovisual producers and culture researchers. Through this interdisciplinar method of audiovisual investigation we seek deepen the knowledge corporal of these performatic traditions.

Author Information
Natacha Muriel López Gallucci, Federal University of Cariri, Ceará, Brazil

Paper Information
Conference: ECAH2018
Stream: Arts - Performing Arts Practices: Theater, Dance, Music

This paper is part of the ECAH2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon