In a world of increasing change and complexity no language can stand still, particularly a world language like English used by a hugely diverse range of language communities. Notions such as ‘Standard English’ and ‘Received Pronunciation’ have been challenged and the native speakers of English now share ‘ownership’ of the language with all its myriad users across the globe. Research and practice in English as Lingua Franca continues to enrich the field of TEFL and change the dynamics of the EFL classrooms. This presentation explores what EFL can learn from ELF theories and practice and how teaching methods and techniques must be adapted to take account of the way varieties of English are used in specific contexts for different purposes. Traditional linguistic theories of usage and use are critiqued and alternative models of English explored. The challenges for teachers of adapting to changing Englishes are discussed and some practical techniques are shown for helping learners to communicate effectively in the English that is right for them.
Author Information
Anne Campbell, University of London, United Kingdom
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