Culture and Identity in Public Green Spaces: The Story of Suropati and Menteng Park in Central Jakarta, Indonesia


Changing the role of parks and green spaces to fit into the sustainable city framework are now an ongoing agenda for city planners worldwide. One popular concept is how green spaces promote urban liveability and sociability among city dwellers. While parks provide environmental benefits, parks are also public spaces that come with historical heritage, culture and social identity of the urban residents. This paper explores the subjectivity of urban life collected from the perspectives of different individuals on how they engage with the conception of living in a megacity and park use. Case study sample selected for this research takes place in Menteng sub-district where the first and oldest urban park located in the Special Capital District of Jakarta Central, Indonesia. This study adopts a mixed method to assess the user experience of parks, including questionnaire surveys, focus group discussions and interviews. Fieldwork also includes interview excerpts from NGO representatives working on promoting the use of green spaces and parks in the whole of Jakarta region.The discussion that follows takes three central stories of different themes: 1.the city’s relation to memory and perception, 2. Influence of urban life to changing tradition and culture 3. Role of the people in everyday makings of the city. The results presented demonstrates the different styles of meaningful interactions with others within the park, the different “spatial story” to tell within the larger social order of urban life in Jakarta.

Author Information
Najah Md Alwi, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom

Paper Information
Conference: IICSEEHawaii2018
Stream: Terrestrial ecosystems

This paper is part of the IICSEEHawaii2018 Conference Proceedings (View)
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