There has been much discussion about the need to ensure that growth translates into broad-based improvements in living standards that touch all citizens rather than a fortunate few. Yet there is little practical guidance about how countries can achieve both growth and equity (World Economic Forum 2015).There are various ways of assisting families improve their standard of living. One of the most basic and practical ways is to provide them something that can empower them on a long-term basis—education for their children, one need that is not the priority of heads of the family with meager income. As government units, business entities, cause-oriented organizations, and professionals work together to achieve inclusive growth in the country, educational institutions are likewise doing their own bid toward the same direction. This study conveys the outcome of the Student Assistantship Program (SAP) of the University of the East. The SAP is a grant extended to the less fortunate enrolees of the institution. The research weighed up the program’s effectiveness in enabling underprivileged students to obtain education. It also analyzed how the program measured up as an initiative that advocates inclusive growth.
Author Information
Cynthia Abella, University of the East, The Philippines
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2016
Stream: Education for sustainable development
This paper is part of the ACE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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