Industry Sectors Specifics of Remanufacturing Processes


Today remanufacturing is a key industrial discipline at the end of a product's life cycle. In terms of the economic potential, remanufacturing facilitates multiple use of the value-added from new production by several life cycles. For preserving work, material and energy effort costs of new production can be avoided. Ecologically, this leads to corresponding resource savings, avoiding of emissions and waste. Unfortunately there is a lack of knowledge both in industry and science when it comes to an understanding of industry sector specific remanufacturing processes. Therefore scientists from Bayreuth analyzed over 100 companies in the field of remanufacturing in terms of their remanufacturing processes. The paper will show the main results of an analysis of the remanufacturing processes in nine branches: automotive, marine industry, rail industry, consumer goods, aerospace, healthcare equipment, heavy duty, machinery, furniture. The paper will include an generic overview of remanufacturing processes as well as industry specific remanufacturing processes. The readers will be enabled to get an overview of remanufacturing and the differences in several industry sectors. At the end of the day the paper will support a better understanding of remanufacturing and remanufacturing processes.

Author Information
Steffen Butzer, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Sebastian Schötz, Fraunhofer Project Group Process Innovation, Germany
Christoph Schmidt, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Rolf Steinhilper, University of Bayreuth, Germany

Paper Information
Conference: ECSEE2016
Stream: Economic Sustainability: Sustainable Businesses and CSR

This paper is part of the ECSEE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon