This study determines the effect of Infographics on the student coding skills and conceptual understanding in Biology. Furthermore, the relationship between coding skills and conceptual understanding was tested/identified. The improvement in coding (visual literacy) through a Coding Skills Test was found to have an effect in the improvement of students' performance in Biology. 62 Grade 7 students in two intact classes were selected through a purposive sampling (toss coin). The two groups were both heterogenous in terms of intellectual ability. The study made use of pre-test-posttest quasi-experimental design (Coding Skills and Conceptual Understanding) involving these classes as control and experimental groups. Data and other information needed in this study were gathered mainly through formal interviews and daily journal. The dependent/independent t-tests and regression analysis were used as statistical tools in analyzing the data. Results revealed that there was a big difference in the mean post-test scores of the control and experimental groups in the CUT and CST (with an average of 1 to 3 point increase). On the other hand, a significant increase was also observed in the mean pre-test vs post-test scores (4 to 7 point increase in the CUT) of the students in the experimental group who were at the lowest ranks of the entire Grade 7 (33rd, 45th, 78th etc.). The findings also showed that those who scored high in their post-tests (CUT) in the experimental group were also high in the CST.
Author Information
Ma.Cecilia M. Sacopla, Science Education Institute, The Philippines
Rosanelia T. Yangco, Science Education Institute, The Philippines
Paper Information
Conference: ACE2016
Stream: Technology enhanced and distance learning
This paper is part of the ACE2016 Conference Proceedings (View)
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