This study conducts a comparative experiment on the purchasing behavior of university students at both physical and online bookstores. Recently, the spread of the Internet has changed people’s lifestyles and their purchasing behavior. Given the presence of large online bookstores, this also applies to book purchasing behavior. In particular, this study uses university students - the so-called neo-digital native generation - to conduct a comparative experiment on purchasing behaviors at physical and online bookstores and to examine the differences in both purchasing behavior and the characteristics of the two types of bookstores. We draw empirical conclusions regarding the purchasing behavior of this generation and aspects of their lifestyle. We also wish to gain some basic insights regarding the future evolution of physical and online bookstores.
Author Information
Takafumi Suzuki, Toyo University, Japan
Maki Mizukami, Toyo University, Japan
Paper Information
Conference: ACTIS2015
Stream: Transformation through Information
This paper is part of the ACTIS2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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