In 2013, average waste water production of Grati Combined Cycle Power Plant is about 3,801 m3/month within only less than 8% (eight percent) has been reused for reboisation. It requires more effort to recycle effluent of Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in order to fullfil water conservation program and zero waste water of power plant with emphasis on Environmental Compliance (PROPER) Awarded by Ministry of Environment of Indonesia. Installation of Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis (BWRO) to process effluent of WWTP can remove chemical and physical impurities in order to reach quality specification of raw water for boiler water. A pilot project BWRO can produce 4 ton/hour service water and reduce specific conductivity effluent of WWTP from 500 microS/cm to less than 20 microS/cm. We also calculate financial analysis from this innovation, which resulted surplus is about IDR 320,060,578/annum from monthly batch BWRO operation of 160 m3 within 5 years payback period. There is also non-financial benefit, connected to improvement of environmental management to achieve higher level of PROPER Award. Potential water conservation from this innovation is 1,600 m3/month or 50% from total waste water by built effluent of WWTP storage pond capacity 300 m3.
Author Information
Mila Tartiarini, PT. Indonesia Power, Indonesia
Dewi Permatasari, PT. Indonesia Power, Indonesia
Harry Nurdianto, PT. Indonesia Power, Indonesia
Zulfina Dhini Annisawati, PT. Indonesia Power, Indonesia
Nia Nihayati, PT. Indonesia Power, Indonesia
Paper Information
Conference: ACSEE2015
Stream: Energy: Environmental Degradation
This paper is part of the ACSEE2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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