Sensitivity and Interpretativity- Between Schizoaffective Disorder and Paranoid Schizophrenia


Motivation of topic: A differential diagnosis between schizoaffective disorder and paranoid schizophrenia in this case is difficult to make, patient presenting specific elements of both disorders, requiring an assessment based on both the life history information and history of the disorder, as well as emotionally resonance and emotional presence of the patient in the relationship of the clinical interview. Objective: The present paper aims, both a specialized literature comparative analysis and disorder’s profile evaluation, marked by sensitivity and interpretativity, in relation to prevailing delusional ideas about physical appearance. Hypothisis: diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder is difficult, patient symptoms varying from paranoid nature elements (Paranoid schizophrenia) and the affective (schizoaffective disorder). These oscillations are based on a fragile ego structure, doubled by sort of cognitive rigidity / stiffener. Rezults: The study outlines a profile based on: interpretativity, sensitivity, fragile Ego and personal boundaries, dependence of reflection (in terms of people around), psychotic operation (through the intensity of feelings from present) and by psychotic elements manifested in the past(auditory hallucinations, in the form of commenting voices, delusional erotomania ideation). Also, based on identified elements of transference and counter-transference, emotional resonance is low. Conclusions: It is difficult to achieve an accurate differential diagnosis between schizoaffective disorder and paranoid schizophrenia, because of uncertain dynamic elements affective sphere, in comparison with those of the cognitive sphere, while the exterior is a permanent threat to the structure and coherence of fragile ego.

Author Information
Simona Trifu, UMF Carol Davila, Romania
Eduard George Carp, Sapunari Psychiatric Hospital, Romania
Anca Gutt, Sapunari Psychiatric Hospital, Romania
Constantin Cristina, FPSE, Romania
Stoian Alexandra, FPSE, Romania

Paper Information
Conference: ECP2015
Stream: Mental Health

This paper is part of the ECP2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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Posted by James Alexander Gordon