Cross-Cultural Investigation of Eye-Gaze Patterns for E-Learning Content Optimization


E-Learning in developing countries is still in a marginal state, mainly because of the cost of its introduction, and the lack of human resources to maintain the system. But the situation has changed and the price of the e-learning device has become affordable. So far, a large part of educational material is simply imported from developed countries. Because of this situation, the learners are confronted with diverse challenges. Poor availability of educational material for early age children, the need to use and learn two or more languages, and a strong oral tradition make the situation more difficult. To alleviate this issue, the optimisation of educational material is a necessity. E-Learning material are easy to customise compared to books. But the customisation must be done in an appropriate manner according to the culture of target users. The use of eye tracking technology enables a deeper cultural analysis on e-learning materials to optimise its efficiency. An eye tracker captures the reaction around the border of consciousness and it reflects the subject’s background culture much more than his/her intentional choice. This technology is widely used in web design, marketing, psychological research and cognitive linguistics. This research focuses on the analysis of how people of different cultural background interact with various contents of e-learning material such as, text, image, graphics, symbols and colors. The result of each test will provide important data to help with designing appropriate e-learning material for each country.

Author Information
Toshiro Takahara, Kobe Institute of Computing, Japan
Samiullah Paracha, Kobe Institute of Computing, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: ACTC2015
Stream: e-Assessment and new Assessment Theories and Methodologies

This paper is part of the ACTC2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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