Teaching Skills and Work Behavior of Clinical Instructors of Nursing Schools in Northern Samar


This study intended to determine the instructional and preceptorship skills and work behavior in the classroom and clinical settings of the clinical instructors from three nursing school in Northern Samar, as well as their profile in terms of the number of years in clinical practice, length of service in teaching, highest educational attainment, academic honors received, and type of nursing schools employed in. It is also sought to determine the significant relationship between their profile and their work behavior in the classrooms and clinical settings. The research design used was the descriptive-correlation design. The data gathered were treated with the use of frequency counts, percentages and mean. The multiple regression analysis was used to find out the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The study-subjects were 13 clinical instructors from the three nursing schools. In terms of instructional and preceptorship skills, clinical instructors were evaluated. The evaluation was done by the study-subjects themselves and by their respective supervisors and students. Almost majority of the clinical instructors had less than five years of clinical practice. Majority had less than five years of teaching service, had master’s degree units and had earned a master’s degree. Also majorities had graduated from college without academic honors and were employed in a public nursing school. The type of nursing school were the study-subjects were employed was significantly related to their preceptorship skills and work behavior in the clinical setting, but not significantly related to their instructional skills and work behavior in the classroom setting.

Author Information
Perlin Zellaine Tabale-Licas, University of Eastern Philippines, Philippines

Paper Information
Conference: IICE2015
Stream: Higher education

This paper is part of the IICE2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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