The development and rapidity on the usage of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the community showed that the education system in this region is utilizing more of ICT in managing various challenges in the world’s education system. Learning by design through games approach has the potential to be one of the most popular approaches among teachers to achieve the objective of children’s learning. This article discussed three issues and challenges in implementing this approach – i) community’s perception on digital games, ii) teacher’s practices in implementing learning by design through digital games, and iii) children’s level of creativity and skills in designing digital games for the learning process in the classroom. This article also discussed on the solutions for each issue to ensure the teaching and learning process could be enhance to produce competitive and highly skilled digital generation.
Author Information
Md Nasir Masran, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
Laili Farhana Md Ibharim, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Malaysia
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