ICT, like classical PC, has not really invaded education because their use is a work overload for the teacher. It requires several disruptions that he must manage: breaks in time, place and pedagogy. Tablets avoid all these disruptions. As they are constantly in the classroom, teacher can use them when he wants. He should not move to go to the computer room. Finally, if he wishes, he can use them as mere textbooks. This is why tablets will soon be omnipresent in classrooms. Therefore, we should try, right now, to see how this will change the educational landscape. On the teacher side, it can be assumed that many teachers will take this opportunity to improve learning. However, we can assume also that a significant number of teachers will shift onto tablets a part of their own work. This part will become bigger and bigger in the same time that the digital tablets will be more and more interactive. On the student side, students will become more and more students "plus" in the sense of Perkins, students "plus" tablet. While he will have discovered at an early age that he can find the answers to his questions on the Internet, will he search in the same way that a student of the twentieth century? Will he remember them in the same way? The major question that will arise for education will not to know when and how to use the tablets, but when and why not to use them?
Author Information
Jean Simon, ESPE Université de La Réunion, France
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