A major challenge of both International Business/Management and Education is the current increase in environmental, organizational and group spaces and diversity. Potential benefits as well as criticalities emerge when people are engaged in differentiated global contexts with regards to age, background, experiences, race, nationality, social status, and cultural aspects. Furthermore individuals are increasingly investing in International intensive programs at different ages. Business/Management International Schools and program leaders need, then, to be strategically proactive in developing the capacity to: 1. consider diversity as a value, and not as a barrier 2. inspire ideas based on respect and inclusion 3. create or improve a positive attitude to change 4. create strong and long lasting ties among people and life-long learning experiences 5. successfully evolve transnational spaces and management practices 6. increase competitiveness and welfare The present paper intend to give a scientific contribute to the discussion about how and why effectively attract, manage and make of differences and diversity a Mission, in International learning contests and spaces. The authors will present the results of a research conducted on the population of 1600 alumni of “Global Village for Future Leaders of Industry and Business” summer program, 5 to 8 weeks long, launched in year 1997, now at its eighteenth Edition, by Iacocca Institute (Lehigh University, PA, US). The 22 questions structured Survey has been delivered to the Global Village alumni network potentially unique under many of the above mentioned profiles (eg 130 represented countries, age range 18-35, 12 different study fields).
Author Information
Francesco Bof, Bocconi School of Management, Italy
Silvia Blasi, University of Padova, Italy
Paper Information
Conference: IICE2015
Stream: Adult and lifelong learning
This paper is part of the IICE2015 Conference Proceedings (View)
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