This presentation will discuss the implementation of the paperless classroom in the context of an IELTS class at a university in the United Arab Emirates. The advantages and disadvantages of the paperless classroom will be explored by focusing on different forms of technology covering: smart boards, iPads, overhead projectors and desktop computers. The implementation of the technology will be considered with reference to the digital native-immigrant dichotomy, the technology acceptance model and the SAMR model. Furthermore, teacher and student attitudes toward the technology will be discussed with reference to aforementioned theories and models. The ways in which Information and Communication Technology (ICT) were effectively used will be outlined demonstrating how practitioners can move from merely substitution to transformative outcomes, therefore making actual use of the technology. Participants will be provided with methods and ideas that would allow them to integrate paperless classrooms in a multitude of settings.
Author Information
Laurence Craven, American University of Sharjah, UAE
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