Village Voiced, Village Empowered: A Case Study of the Citizen Journalism Practice Using New Media as a Medium of Empowering the Villagers at Banyumas Regency in 2012-2013


Village is basis of the poor in Indonesia. This condition has placed Village as the main target of the poverty-eradicating program. Unfortunately, the development program that has been implemented in Village is ineffective. So far, Village is viewed more as passive object with limited authority to manage itself independently. The condition above encourages a group of community at Banyumas Regency to initiate a movement called Gerakan Desa Membangun (Village-to-Develop Movement). By the utilization of Information and Communication Technology, the Movement encourages Village to develop various kinds of the internet-based media. One of the new media developed is Village Portal (Village Website). This portal gives room to inform any potentials and activities of the Village through cyber world. It is here that the Village practices Citizen Journalism. This study was a case study to reveal how new media, as new medium in the Citizen Journalism practice, become powerful weapon to reinforce the Village’s representation in the discourse competition at the public sphere. The ultimate result is the increasing bargain position of the Village before various stakeholders. The finding showed that the democratization of information and communication media becomes the key factor in establishing an empowered community. By taking hold of such media, they are able to control the information. With this power, they become a community with high bargain power before the stakeholders.

Author Information
Lisa Lindawati, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Paper Information
Conference: MediAsia2014
Stream: Social Media and Communication Technology

This paper is part of the MediAsia2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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