Education is the key to human development and progress; an indispensable tool for a nations’ growth and overall development. In order to proffer workable solutions to some contending issues in our educational sector; this study examined the concept of transformative education for sustainable development and the role it plays if properly implemented in our educational system. The researchers opined that the Nigeria educational sector is in urgent need of transformative pedagogy in line with the transformation agenda in the nation’s polity. A survey research design was adopted for the study and data were collected using a questionnaire and interview method. The subjects for this study were 600 hundred school principals and high ranking personnel in the ministry of education who indicated through their responses the pedagogies that could foster transformative learning in a multicultural educational society as Nigeria, as well as encourage economic and national growth. Even though particular emphasis was paid to the Nigerian context; the findings in this article is reflective of some other Africa countries. Feasible recommendations for sustaining educational development and the actualization of the nations’ vision for her education sector by the year 20/20 were made.
Author Information
Idowu Obukohwo Eluwa, Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture, Nigeria
Cecilia Chinyere Ogbonna, Micheal Okpara University Agriculture, Nigeria
Paper Information
Conference: NACE2014
Stream: Challenges and transformation in times of change
This paper is part of the NACE2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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