Designing Optimal Viewpoints in Technical Illustrations


Technical illustrations are important for understanding spatial positions in a 2D environment. This paper demonstrates that illustrations that show a performer's point of view (body-centered and seen as following the performer from the perspective of the performer's body) is equally easy or difficult to mentally animate and visualize when compared to spectator's point of view (object-centered seen as facing the audience directly). Specifically, it is difficult to perform mental animation for spatial movement of body positions from text-based explanations only. The paper argues that canonical viewpoints (allow viewers to see several surfaces of objects simultaneously) and those across the display plane (views that allow important parts of the objects to be visible) could be easier to comprehend when compared to viewpoints into the display plane (views that obscure important parts of objects). However, an optimal combination of camera angles, type and complexity of the task, body positions shown, and individual’s ability for mental rotation are important indicators of how da task could be perceived based on 2D visualization.

Author Information
Debopriyo Roy, University of Aizu, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: MediAsia2014
Stream: Visual Communication

This paper is part of the MediAsia2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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