The Educator Fraud Paradigm and Implications for Educators and Academia


In response to the USA Today and Atlanta Journal Constitution articles indicating massive educator cheating, states have been under intense pressure to develop initiatives to detect, deter and investigate educator cheating. In spite of increased public scrutiny, there has been limited guidance from the federal government. Added to this, reductions in state tax collections have limited the amount of funds available to carry out aggressive initiatives. Until recently, in which 35 Atlanta Public School System educators were charged with 65 criminal counts of false statements, theft by taking, and racketeering; traditionally, educator cheating has not led to civil proceedings. Cases in the states reviewed often resulted in disciplinary actions such as reprimands, suspensions, revocation of licenses and job loss. Further, scandals may suggest that hidden differences of enforcement were at play or perspectives on student gains on scores differed based on race. In any event, teacher preparation programs and institutions of higher learning may be ill-equipped to train and adequately prepare future educators for the sea of change. From a macro perspective, a review of the literature and popular media, the societal factors associated with increased occurrences for educator cheating are: poor economy, education reform and general societal attitudes about cheating. All seemingly represent external conditions beyond an individual, a specific organization or academic department�s grasp to make a positive impact. The purpose of this presentation is to present an educator fraud paradigm for academia so that future educators can be better prepared and aware of the professional challenges awaiting.

Author Information
Tonya Foust Mead, Office of State Superintendent of Education, USA

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Conference: NACE2014
Stream: Professional concerns

This paper is part of the NACE2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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