In the study, it was demonstrated that whether there was a difference between an affordance condition and a no-affordance condition in the aspect of negative compatibility effect and cognitive workload. In case of the negative compatibility effect, even though the object's orientation and arrow's orientation are corresponded, when a prime object is displayed very briefly motor system is inhibited. Thirty students volunteered to participate in the experiment. The experimental design was 2 (Affordance condition & No-affordance design) X2 (Congruence & Incongruence) X2 (Task difficulty: High & Low), within subject design. Using RSVP paradigm, first of all, object stimuli presenting for 70ms is followed by arrow's orientations which are right or left for 70ms. As soon as arrow is presented, participants should respond arrow's orientation with keyboard. After then participants memorize numbers, 2-digit numbers or 3-digit numbers for 3500ms or 500ms. Cognitive memory task follows 2-digit numbers or 3-digit numbers. In the last section, subjects are asked subjective effort induced by memory task. Totally 192 trials are repeated randomly. As a result, Negative Compatibility Effect was showed in the affordance and the congruent conditions by a difference between reaction time, not error rates. However, in case of cognitive memory task there are no differences in both of the affordance conditions and the congruent conditions. Therefore, it was confirmed that the Negative Compatibility Effect was determined repeatedly, but the hypothesis of the cognitive workload was not demonstrated.
Author Information
Soyeon Kim, Yonsei University, Korea
Kwang-hee Han, Yonsei University, Korea
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