Many cities and urban areas across the world are entities with high complexity, most especially with the unavoidable ever increasing population which incorporates human diversity in culture, wealth and status. Rapid urbanization and expansion is today a common phenomenon in many developing countries across the world, which is often characterized by challenges such as slum generation, informality, segregation and unequal distribution of infrastructure and services among neighborhood in the cities. Cities in developing nations has continued to grow in fragmentation, making the cities more than the eyes can see, than the ears can hear and a view wanting to be explored in great depth. In tackling this urban menace, sustainability and urban transformation through policies and strategies seem to be the major focus and agenda among many urban development stakeholders globally. But environmental and economic sphere of sustainability seems to be taking higher priority over their social counterpart. However, the key question remains; “who and which group of people” benefits from these new urban development been proposed or created. Cities and urban spaces are meant to serve its citizenry in-respect of their class and status in the society, where every individual is incorporated and engaged in the decision making and developmental process of the space in which they exist. In achieving sustainable development and practice goals, this paper presents various integrated approach in which ‘community and neighborhood‘ is placed at the center of sustainability analysis and the discussion of spatial connectivity through urban design, development and practice in Nigerian cities.
Author Information
Ogunsola Segun Adeola, Nottingham Trent University, UK
Paper Information
Conference: NACSEE2014
Stream: Social Sustainability and Sustainable Living
This paper is part of the NACSEE2014 Conference Proceedings (View)
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