Category: Religion – Mysticism, Faith, and Scientific Culture


Profiting From Polytheism: The Commodification of Mythical Beings During the Covid-19 Outbreak in Japan

With their roots in animism and Shintōism, Japan’s mythical creatures known as yōkai have been feared, revered, and used to explain calamities or inexplicable phenomena. Needless to say, in the early stages of the Covid-19 outbreak and even now to some extent, very little was known about the origins of the virus, its potency, and


The Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic in the Formation of Faith, Morals, and Resiliency of Filipino Christian Character

The research analyzed the implications of Covid-19 pandemic on the formation of faith, morals, and resiliency of Filipino Christian character. Descriptive approach was used for 600 student and parent respondents at the University of Perpetual Help System. The results of the study showed that respondents’ behavioral responses to Integration, Manifestation, and Recognition were contributory factors


The Palamite Paradigm of Ecstasy and Its Impact on Eastern Christianity Model

“Is human being an ecstatic being? Is it possible for a human being to live without any kind of spiritual experience?” Even from ancient times people were searching through various methods, ways to reach some high spiritual experiences regardless their religious views or methods they used such as iatromantis, yoga as Indian way, Buddhist meditation


Privacy in Islamic Eschatology and the Journey to the Divine

Privacy in Islam has been studied by researchers on urban as well as dwelling levels and a clear hierarchy has been identified from public to private spaces. The purpose of seeking privacy is understood either as to separate genders or to hide sin or good, or bad, fortune from others. However, concepts in Islam have


Forest Cathedrals: “The Hidden Glory” of Hudson River Landscapes

This presentation analyses masterpieces of Hudson River School landscape painting within relevant religious, artistic, and literary contexts. The Hudson River School, America’s first indigenous art movement, included Thomas Cole, Asher Brown Durand, Frederic Edwin Church and George Inness. The artists reflected various religious and spiritual traditions, including the Anglican (Episcopal) and Presbyterian faiths, Swedenborgian theology


Sin and Sin Offering as Sacred Space Among the Nigerian Sabbatharians: An Ethical Reflection

Every traditional society had inherent indigenous patterns through which its values and morals were maintained. The world has become a global village where through the powers of the ICT, almost everything is crossing borders. The walls of ethical values and morality seem tottering, even as societies adjust and readjust through institutions in the fight back


Power of Unconscious: In Clinical Usage

As a practicing Psychoanalyst, I have found in my clinical experiences that power often comes as a non-verbal sign language in different expressions of emotions. Though talking cure method discloses the power of unconscious as a tool in shaping the ‘intra-psychic’ life of the patient, yet at the initial stage it comes as defiance, resistance