Category: Media and Mass Communication – Critical and Cultural Studies, Gender and Communication


Eliot’s Notion of Tradition and Its Significance in the Age of Multimedia

Our world today is being remade through the continuous spread of multimedia. We are actually living in what is called ‘New Times’. Multimedia has changed our life enormously. Despite the fact that some technological advances have caused some negative developments in our modern times: some people are being distracted, overly stressed, feeling qualitatively empty, alienated,


Hello Kitty’s Popularity and Its Change of Representation

Since it was introduced in the market in 1974, Hello Kitty, a fictional white cat, became a Japanese cultural icon and has been attributed as being ��kawaii�� (��cute��). Characters of Kitty have been used in a myriad of ways like iPods, PCs, Nintendo 3DS, Play Station, games, telephone, televisions, buses, jewelries, coins, and etc. Many