Category: Experiential Learning


Transforming Undergraduate Research Experiences With Experiential Learning

Science and technology drive innovation, create economic opportunity, and are critical to national security. With increased competition for a skilled STEM workforce, high barriers to participation in STEM, the missing millions (Gershenfeld et al., 2021), and the longstanding underrepresentation of minoritized US communities, collective action is urgently needed to expand STEM education and training. Strengthening


Qualitative Analyses of Hybrid Learning Experiences of College Students With Special Education Needs

Hybrid learning has become increasingly popular in higher education institutions. It started after the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, where students could now simultaneously participate in face-to-face and online learning. Hybrid learning slowly brings students back to school who have been in remote learning for almost three years. Although there are several studies on hybrid learning among regular college


An Adventure-Based Program in Promoting Interpersonal Qualities and Well-being of Students in Higher Education

Background: Late adolescents in higher education are going through a shifting from being dependent as recipient of parental guidance to becoming independent individuals in a larger social context. They need to develop interpersonal qualities to establish satisfying relationships. Besides, they also experience stress and anxiety which may result in mental health problems. Objectives: This study