Category: ECERP2016


Justice and Post LRA War in Northern Uganda: ICC Versus Acholi Traditional Justice System

Guns have gone silent in northern Uganda after the LRA wars, but clouds of injustice are still thick in the air. Perpetrators of injustice have disappeared in thin air. Victims of atrocities languish in their villages with scars that will never be forgotten; lips cut, legs maimed, girls raped, children abducted and some left parent-less.


Justice, Mercy and Peace: A Christian Approach to True Justice and Sustainable Reconciliation

Over the past centuries, societies and nations across the globe have often suffered some form of social, political, ethnic, racial or religious violent conflict, from Chile to Afghanistan, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Uganda to South Africa, from Northern Ireland to Sri Lanka, Tibet and the Philippines. It is often a very difficult task to heal


Spinoza as a Philosopher of Education

In at least two senses, it might be risky to put ‘Spinozism’ and ‘education’ together in the title for a paper. First, it is risky because, as any philosopher of education might quickly agree, education is something we believe that we should keep away from any kind of “ism”. Second, it is also risky because


Employees Seek Justice as Religion and Work Intersect: A Perspective From the United States

The main goal of this conceptual paper is to showcase how religion impacts the workplace in the United States (US). The demographics in the US workplace today is a rich mosaic of employees from various religious backgrounds such as Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, among others. One of the predominant factors for this diverse religious


Eusebism and the Unified Theory of Rights

In ancient Greece was coined the term εὐσέβεια to define a sense of respect of exceptional magnitude, as the two terms used implied “ευ” (good) and “σέβομαι” (to respect, revere). We live in what Bobbio described as “the age of rights” and new rights are raising everywhere, as well as the proposals to recognize new subjects


Organ Transplant Abuse, Medical Ethics and Justice

Where organ transplant abuse occurs in a country not subject to the rule of law, what can be done globally to achieve justice? The paper will address that question, using China as a case study. There is substantial evidence that practitioners of the spiritually based set of exercises Falun Gong have been killed in China in


Intercultural Religious Education (Bursa Sample)

In this paper, the attitude of intercultural religious education in Turkey is discussed. All religions have set some promises for human beings and the promise of a happier life. Shared values play a significant role in establishing close ties and good relations with the people of various intellectual and religious backgrounds. Programs of religious education


Ethics, Anthropology and the Problem of Metaphysics in the Critique of Pure Reason

Kants discourse in the Critique of Pure Reason shines brilliantly, provided the presupposition that there is only one type of ethical value in human society is justified. Kant believes that humans should not have moral laws other than what he regards to be the moral law. When an alternative ethical value, which seems universal in


The Influence of the Ancient Roman Philosophy on the “Secular Economic Mentality”

A secular economic man compares the enjoyments and the material benefits with the costs and his exertions. He strives to maximize his enjoyments and minimize the exertions. That ethos is derived from the Ancient Age Philosophy The literature for economics accepts that the liberal economic doctrine is based on the Natural Law Philosophy. And the Natural


Thoughts and Practises of Religious Education in Alternative Schools in Turkey

Operators, researchers and other social elements in the field of education, have long been discussing the outputs of education. Today what the educators in most schools attach importance to is the competitive sense rather than individual differences. Therefore, alternative education and alternative schools are progressively becoming common throughout Turkey. The basic objective of this study