Category: Disabilities and the language learner


The Multifaceted Relationship Between ESL, Special Education, L2 Reading Disability Potential Risk Factors and Neuroscience

Purpose: To analyze and integrate current research connecting neuroscience imaging, K-12 second language acquisition, special education, and risk factors for a L2 reading disability, with the goal to identify potential new educational strategies. Introduction: An extensive literature exists addressing second language acquisition, special education, and risk factors for a L2 reading disability. However, literature for


Speech Production and Language Learning of Special and Normal Children in Two Primary Schools in Osun State

Human development begins through the vast pool of transmitted experiences by care-givers and parents, hence, pass down sociocultural values to the younger generation. This study will explore psychological and practical aspects of language learning by children with speech impairments and normal children in other to do a comparative analysis in Osun State, SouthWest Nigeria. Learner/teacher