Category: Business and Management Ethics


Mechanisms and Ethics of Sustainable Exchange: Interaction and Sympathy in Relationship Marketing

Smith (1896) argued that societal virtues arise through the function of reputational sanctions as self-interested entities engage in repeated transactions. Relationship marketing research, on the other hand, examines sustained business relationships mediated by trust and commitment to the exchange partner. Modern consumers with freedom of choice engage in repeated transactions of general consumer goods without


The Impact of Relative Deprivation Perception and Job Insecurity on Performance

The main purpose of this study is to understand the impact of individuals’ relative deprivation perception and job insecurity on performance, but also to prevent or solve the mechanism, in other words, this study also wants to explore factors that can slow down relative deprivation perception and job insecurity to undermine performance, to explore from


Building a Moral Culture From the Ground Up – Why Fairness, Justice and Reciprocity Are Key

Rationalist models of ethical decision making (Jones, 1991) assume that higher order conscious reasoning dominates the ethical decision-making process and that bad people do bad things due to either greed, bad character or poor values. Interventions following unethical crisis commonly follow on from this assumption and include; new deterrents; efforts to weed out the ‘bad


The Elevation of Luxury: Art Infusion and Artification as Vehicles for Creating Shared Value

Luxury brands have historically benefitted from engagement with the artistic community. There is a robust academic literature on the specific benefits for luxury brands of using mechanisms like art infusion and artification as a means of enhancing brand image and overcoming challenges associated with modern market conditions. Less clear, however, is how luxury brand involvement


NipponEthics Stakeholder Model – Understanding How Japanese Companies Manage Key Stakeholders

Business concept is gradually changing on a global level, shifting from a chiefly profit focused viewpoint to a more stakeholder focused perspective. As the number of social enterprises increase and business enterprises become more socially conscious, leaders worldwide face the challenge to accommodate this shifting trend from stockholder interest to stakeholder interest. Japanese companies have