Social Media and Mental Health Discourse: Insights and Implications


In the digital age, social media has become a sanctuary for countless individuals. This study employs quantitative methods and descriptive statistics to uncover the intricate patterns and motivations underpinning discussions about mental health on these platforms. Our analysis reveals that 38% of individuals utilize social media as a medium for sharing personal experiences. Meanwhile, 28% actively seek information, 16% serve as conduits, forwarding information from others, and 19% actively generate and disseminate mental health-related content. The motivations for engaging in discussions about mental health on social media platforms exhibit varying prevalence. Predominant motivations include seeking help for personal concerns, finding reassurance about their problems and potential solutions, using the virtual space as an emotional outlet, perceiving it as a safer alternative to real-life disclosure, and contributing to the broader cause of mental health awareness by sharing personal experiences. Additionally, users participate for purposes such as discussing potential solutions, broadening their outreach to a wide audience, offering support to others facing similar challenges, and seeking recommendations from therapists and counselors. This study carries significant implications for both interpersonal relationships and the digital landscape. First, it underscores the imperative of nurturing meaningful and supportive real-life interactions, which are fundamental to mental health promotion. Furthermore, the study advocates for the development of enhanced mental health-related features on social media platforms, enabling individuals to access tailored and substantive support, thereby harnessing the vast network potential of social media for the betterment of mental health.

Author Information
Moulika Mandal, FLAME University, India
Sairaj Patki, FLAME University, India

Paper Information
Conference: ACP2024
Stream: Mental Health

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