Tripping Over Cables: Discussing Tech Pitfalls and Working Toward a Positive Framework


The resources and learning opportunities that technology offers educators are well documented. Its urgent relevance came to light through the learning environment of 2020-2022, but with most institutions easing back to face-to-face structures, teachers need to re-evaluate the use and purpose of technology in their classrooms. Duoethnographic dialogues are held between two Digital Natives working in secondary and tertiary schools in Kansai, Japan to explore their beliefs and understandings. Through dialogues and discourse, our excitement towards new developments, our use and practices, and the difficulties and failures of a poorly directed push towards tech in the classroom. Similarities and differences are drawn from our lived experiences, allowing us to explore educators' limitations on technological skills, knowledge and comforts, students’ access and familiarity, and institutional guidelines and provisions. We discuss the benefits and pitfalls of technology in the classroom and question its necessity, particularly as a motivational pathway or social equalizer. Through this discussion, we aim to suggest when a low- or no-tech approach might be more effective, and how tech integration can lead to better working conditions, more productive learning environments, and a better understanding of student needs.

Author Information
Isobel Hook, Kyoto Notre Dame University, Japan
Dan King, Konan University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: WorldCALL2023
Stream: Other

This paper is part of the WorldCALL2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Hook I., & King D. (2024) Tripping Over Cables: Discussing Tech Pitfalls and Working Toward a Positive Framework ISSN: 2759-1182 – WorldCALL2023: Conference Proceedings (pp. 109-118)
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