Variations in Student Problem Solving Skills Among Mongolian Students Depending on Socio-Economic Status


The quality of education provided to its citizens, especially children and young people, has always been one of the main factors determining the social and economic development of the country. On the other hand, the issue of equity and quality of education provided to its citizen is crucial specially for developing and under developed countries. Determining the quality of general education has always been the focus of the Mongolian government's attention, and since 2013, the Ministry of Education has been organizing national-level assessments for grades 5, 9, and 12 every year. In the assessment of 2022, it involved a sample of 23,000 students in grades 6th, 10th, and 12. In this study, we present the results of the analysis of the Education Quality Assessment organized in October 2022. A Rasch analysis results indicated a good reliability and validity, where item reliabilities were between 0.99-1.00 and mean squares of INFIT and OUTFIT score are between 0.99 and 1.15. Our research results stated that there are significant variations in problem solving skills of children in urban and rural areas. Variations in student performance were also observed depending on other characteristics, including the type of school ownership (private or state) and the regions and provinces where the student lives. We hypothesize that the reason for such variations is the poor socioeconomic development level of the country and the quarantine of the Covid pandemics.

Author Information
Amartuvshin Amarzaya, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
Davaanyam Tumenbayar, National University of Mongolia, Mongolia
Sandag Gendenjamts, Education Evaluation Center of Mongolia, Mongolia

Paper Information
Conference: ECE2023
Stream: Primary & Secondary Education

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Posted by James Alexander Gordon