The Creation Strategies, Participants’ Satisfaction and Learning Experiences of ‘Sure and Share’s Fact Check Detective Club’


‘Sure and Share’s Fact Check Detective Club’ is a project initiated by the Sure and Share Center, Thailand’s well-established fact-checking center under Thai News Agency. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic alarming situation during 2021-2022, the project with the main goal to enhance fact-checking knowledge and skills for 651 participants nationwide, aged 12-87 years old, had to be conducted in hybrid fashion under the concept of ‘Innoactive Learning’ virtual camp in November 2021. The objectives of this study are 1) to examine the creation strategies of the project and 2) to scrutinize participants’ satisfaction and learning experiences. The study is mixed method research; it consists of semi-structured in-depth interview of six key informants who involved in the project creation and online questionnaires of 312 project participants with mixed demographic factors, from primary school students to retired civil servants, at the end of November 2021.Qualitative study showed that the project was designed to be adaptive with limitations during the pandemic under the concept of Innoactive Learning with the hybridization between a virtual camp and on-site activities. All activities were designed to give new learning experiences to the participants to ensure that they could gain fact-checking knowledge and skills with ease and fun. Quantitative study found that most of 312 informants were ‘highly satisfied’ with the activity’s design and the learning experiences. Most of them would like to attend activities of the Sure and Share Center in the future. However, there are some problems of digital divide among the group of elderly participants.

Author Information
Jessada Salathong, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

Paper Information
Conference: ACEID2023
Stream: Learning Experiences

This paper is part of the ACEID2023 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Salathong J. (2023) The Creation Strategies, Participants’ Satisfaction and Learning Experiences of ‘Sure and Share’s Fact Check Detective Club’ ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2023 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 791-805)
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