In Egypt and according to recent statistics, the poor represent about 48% of the total population, which is an indication of the low standard of living and high poverty rates of a wide range of the people of Egypt. This makes the presence of street vendors important to provide goods or some services to large groups of people as the cost of these goods or services might be much lower to match the financial ability of the poor. Not allowing street vendors to work for safety or aesthetic reasons might lead to a bigger problem. In this way, street vendors will become unemployed which paves the way for crime and many illegal practices such as robbery or even drug trafficking—something that governments, for sure, would like to avoid. This means that the negative effects of prohibiting street vendors from work are much more than those of allowing them to work. Therefore, it is really important to provide the environment required for street vendors with a full understanding of their needs in order to reach to the aim of integrating the street vendors outcome into the national production system. This research paper deals with the problem of street vendors and proposes a solution for organizing street vendors in a way that is compatible with their communities. This will help in raising the financial income, and as a result, improve the living standard of the poor.
Author Information
Abed El-Wahab El-Kadi, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Syria
Paper Information
Conference: BAMC2022
Stream: Architecture and Urban Studies/Design
This paper is part of the BAMC2022 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
El-Kadi A. (2022) Architectural Solutions to “Street Vendors” in Cairo ISSN: 2435-9475 – The Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media & Culture 2022: Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 97-109) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2435-9475.2022.9
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2435-9475.2022.9
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