Student Voices as Nouveau Committee Work: Providing a Platform and Safe Community for the Realization of Inspired Student-led Projects


Department committee work is a compulsory yet vital component of higher education institutions. A limitless amount of untapped potential exists within students, and committees can be established or adapted to support the interests of passionate, innovative students. When students receive trust, respect, and liberation to author ideas of personal importance into manifestation, they are enriched at a comprehensive level. The presenters will share the origins and initial successes and challenges of a committee that provides a safe and encouraging platform for diverse and talented students to critically produce meaningful content at an international university in Japan. After establishing a respectful and inclusive environment, the main roles of the committee members are to facilitate student-led projects, hold regular meetings, advise, and provide accountability for students to be empowered achievers beyond the classroom. In addition to the students’ sincere commitment, mandatory criteria for the student-led projects include being: inclusive, ongoing, realistic, educational, and featured as part of the Student Voices committee community. The presenters will give examples of current student-led projects based on topics such as: social justice, environmental education, university clubs, and intercultural exchange. Workshop participants will learn about the need for a new style of committee focused on the development of skills of intercultural communication, SNS-content production, and student leadership. Further, participants will come away with strategies for how to frame their desired niche committee service to department heads. More than merely teachers, educators should be advocates for student voices.

Author Information
Brandon Bigelow, Tokyo International University, Japan
Alexis Pusina, Tokyo International University, Japan

Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2021
Stream: Nurturing Creativity & Innovation: New

This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Bigelow B., & Pusina A. (2021) Student Voices as Nouveau Committee Work: Providing a Platform and Safe Community for the Realization of Inspired Student-led Projects ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2021 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 69-79)
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