This research aims to examine the relationship among Learning self-efficacy, MOOC-satisfaction and MOOC-Loyalty of the credit-bearning MOOCs at Taylor’s University. 952 Taylor’s University students from March 2018 Semester responded the online survey. The online questionnaire included 10-item of learning self-efficacy, 6-item of MOOC-satisfaction, and 5-item of MOOC-Loyalty. It also included another 2 factors which affected the learning self-efficacy and MOOC-satisfaction: 9-item on Ease of learning and 5-item on Quality of MOOC content. The Cronbach’s alphas for Learning self-efficacy, MOOC-satisfaction and MOOC-Loyalty were 0.979, 0.959 and 0.964 respectively while for Ease of learning and Quality of MOOC content were 0.962 and 0.964 respectively. Pearson correlation coefficient between pair of variables among all the variables were obtained. The results of zero order correlation analysis showed a strong positive correlation between the predictors and outcome variables. However, a higher order partial correlation was also performed and results showed that MOOC-satisfaction mediated the relationship between Learning self-efficacy and MOOC-Loyalty. The research findings provided positive impact to lecturers who plan to convert from traditional teaching pedagogy to MOOC mode as Malaysian students have higher degree of MOOC-loyalty and they were in favor of continuing to take up the credit bearing MOOC throughout their study at Taylor’s university. Besides, it also alarmed the university administrator to provide the best infra-structure for the MOOC platform and best quality of MOOC content so as to raise the MOOC-satisfaction which enhance the MOOC-loyalty.
Author Information
Kah Heng Loh, Taylor's University, Malaysia, Malaysia
Zaim Azizi Abu Bakar, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Nur Ainif Omar, Taylor's University, Malaysia
Khai Rol Low, Fairview International School, Malaysia
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