- Rebuild Resilience: Film Communication Within East Asia in the Pre-pandemic, Pandemic, and Post-pandemic Era
- Reconstruction of Colonial Experience of Cinema Culture under Indigenous Governance Policy in Taiwan of the Japanese Colonial Period
- Record and Reflection: COVID-19 Pandemic Documentary in Japan, China and Korea
- Recruiting and Managing Volunteers for Academic Libraries: Tips and Suggestions for Running Successful Programs
- Redesigning Outcomes-Based Mechanical Engineering Course Syllabus Using the Constructive Alignment Approach
- Reflecting EFL Learners’ Writing Experience Through the Thematic Analysis: Genre-based Approach of L2 Writing
- Reflection in Language Learning: An Institutional Integration Project
- Reflective Practice and Teaching Postgraduate Counselling Students
- Reflux and Rejuvenation – Exploration and Practice of Yim Tin Tsai in Hong Kong under the Background of Rural Revitalization
- Reimagining Support for Japanese Teachers of English
- Reincarnation: Back From the Dead
- Reinventing the Cross Culture of Paddy in Indonesia
- Relationship between Gratitude and Realistic Optimism: A Study on Indian University Students
- Relationship Between Religiosity and Receptive Attitude Toward Muslims Among Japanese Students
- Relationship Between Self-Perception Towards Ageing and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults
- Relationships between Japanese University Students’ Interest in Computer Programming, Their Logical Thinking, and IT Literacy
- Remote Learning Satisfaction among Higher Education Learners During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia and Thailand
- Remote Teaching and Learning: Resilience and Academic Voices
- Remote Teaching of the Arts in a Time of COVID-19
- Representation of Korean Cultural Flow in the West During COVID-19: The Case of BTS
- Research on Intensive Development Mechanism of Land Use in Small and Medium-sized Cities in Western China Based on “the Yangtze River Conservation” Strategy
- Research on the Learning Experience and Effectiveness of Digital Action Learning on Design Education
- Research Self-Efficacy of Adult Learners After Philippines’ K to 12
- Resilience Among Teachers and Students with Learning Differences During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Similar Practices in Differing Contexts
- Resilience as a Policy Goal and a Policy Measure: South Korea’s New Deal Policy in the Post-COVID-19 Era
- Resilience during Crisis: Rising above the Challenges Faced in Academic Writing Classes after the Abrupt Shift to Online Education
- Resilience in Our Hour of Need
- Resilience in the Face of an Epidemic: W. S. Maugham’s the Painted Veil and Its Film Adaptations
- Resilience of La Rose En Vie: Recovering from Upheaval through a Transphenomenology of Spirit on the Basis of the Arts and Humanities’
- Resilience Throughout Books for Young Learners
- Resilient Creatives: Experiences of Filmmakers During Covid-19
- Rethinking the Principle of National Self-Determination: Toward a New Approach for the Question of Palestine
- Retranslating Shakespeare in Romeo X Juliet
- REVAMP: Transforming Technology-enhanced Education to Cater for Learners’ Dispositions
- Revisiting External Stakeholders’ Role in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Disclosure: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda
- Revisiting Manto, Recovering Histories: Partition Violence and the “Little People”
- Roars and Recuts: A Comparative Analysis of Japanese and American Versions of Godzilla 1954-1962
- Role of Female Physicians in Women’s Health Movement in Japan: The Case of Prescription-Free Emergency Contraception During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Role of Learners’ Subjective Difficulty Rating Toward a System for Practicing English-Speaking
- Roots and Resilience in Weil, Kołakowski, Todorov, and Finkielkraut
- Rural Culture Preservation in Rural Tourism Development in Suburban Villages of Large Cities in China: Case Studies of Nanjing
- Sandwich With a Side of Motivation: An Investigation of the Effects of the Feedback Sandwich Method on Motivation
- School Songs: Place, Space and Embodied Architecture Within UK Independent School Communities
- Schubert: The Strange and the Supernatural
- Secondary ESL Teachers’ Beliefs, Strategies, and Experiences in Teaching Vocabulary
- Self-directed Language Learning: Which Tasks and Tools Are Most Effective for Promoting Reflection on Learning?
- Semantic Variations of Arabic Loanwords in Maguindanaon
- Semiosphere and Taiwan’s Horror Movies of the 1970s
- Serious Game Design and Integration in English Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching
- Sexual Communication in Heterosexual and Non-Heterosexual Young Adults: Seeking the Importance of Perceived Social Support