Research has shown that poor health can be associated with lower academic achievement and poor class attendance. Teachers report improvements in attendance, attention, behavior, and levels of concentration in schools where healthy eating has become accepted practice. Research also shows that healthy lifestyle habits during adolescence/pre-adult can prevent many of the diseases and disabilities in adulthood and later. Health economists argue that better-educated people are more likely to choose healthier lifestyles. With this evidence in hand, it is strongly suggested that healthy lifestyle education be a mandatory subject for all students – the younger, the better. However, given time and curriculum constraints, this is not an easy goal to achieve. Accordingly, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (OUAVM) has chosen to incorporate healthy lifestyle education as a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) course in the English program. CLIL, which has other definitions, is a teaching method that involves teaching students about a given subject in a foreign language. It has become the umbrella term for simultaneously learning a content-based subject, such as lifestyle health, through the medium of a foreign language, while concurrently improving one’s ability in the foreign language by using it to study the given subject. This presentation shows how this integration can be done practically by incorporating the eight natural laws of health of the NEWSTART Lifestyle program into a health course also categorized as an English III CLIL course at OUAVM.
Author Information
Marshall Smith, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Japan
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Conference: ACEID2021
Stream: Learning Experiences
This paper is part of the ACEID2021 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Smith M. (2021) Healthy Lifestyle Education in the CLIL Classroom ISSN: 2189-101X – The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2021 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 73-84) https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2189-101X.2021.7
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.22492/issn.2189-101X.2021.7
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