Glycoscience Augmented Reality Application Demonstrated with Merge Cube


Popular science education of biomedical knowledge can be monotonous and beyond understanding, so it is necessary to involve fun elements and to harness the suitable demonstration tool to make it more approachable. Merge Cube, a cube-like object trending on the Internet, has an iconic design of pattern recognition which is suitable for augmented reality (AR) applications. This has built up Merge Cube’s popularity among schools and it has now been gradually included in popular science education for teenagers. Nowadays, application of augmented reality has been widely implemented in all sorts of fields besides popular science education, and it is often promoted via the Unity software due to the software’s easy-to-use and highly compatible feature. These sorts of application can be performed with the cameras in common mobile devices, making it convenient to be spread among the public. Also, when the virtual images are placed in a real-world environment, more interactions can be stimulated, resulting in dynamic changes throughout the process.
In the article, we will use Merge Cube as the platform and the Unity software as our tool to produce biomedical contents respectively and integrate them into large scale projects. By simply holding the Merge Cube in front of smartphones, users will be able to demonstrate all kinds of digital content to others. Our main demonstration content in the article will be focused on Glycoscience education and related 2D teasers, RPG games and 3D games etc., and we aim to bring users a brand-new experience in the augmented reality environment.

Author Information
Gwo-Long Lin, I-Shou University, Taiwan

Paper Information
Conference: ACAH2020
Stream: Media Arts Practices: Television

This paper is part of the ACAH2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Lin G. (2020) Glycoscience Augmented Reality Application Demonstrated with Merge Cube ISSN: 2186-229X – The Asian Conference on Arts & Humanities 2020 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 65-74)
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