Using Maximum Variation Strategy Within a Case Study to Explore Reasons Teachers Are Willing to Contribute Open Educational Resources


The intent of this exploratory study was to increase the body of knowledge and guide decisions regarding sustainability of Open Educational Resources (OER). Previous studies have reported one of the challenges facing facilitators of OER repositories is teachers’ lack of willingness to contribute their instructional materials. This study, in contrast, investigated the reasons teachers are willing to develop and share OER instructional materials. Six cases (who were previous contributors to an OER repository) were chosen for face-to-face interviews using a maximum variation strategy. The goal of this unique strategy is to choose cases that will maximize learning by selecting individuals with a wide range of characteristics. Interview questions were developed to explore the question, “Why do CTE teachers contribute their intellectual capital to OER repositories?” Data condensation and data display strategies were implemented during data collection in order to interpret patterns and form conclusions. Inductive and deductive reasoning were utilized during data analysis, which included pattern coding. After pattern coding was finalized, cross-case analysis was conducted to enhance transferability and to deepen understanding. Triangulation was utilized to corroborate findings. One finding of this study was that all cases expressed an understanding of the significance of contributing to OER as a result of previous teaching experiences categorized into three areas: professional experiences, challenging experiences, and networking experiences.

Author Information
Kelley Manley, Pittsburg State University, United States
Julie Dainty, Pittsburg State University, United States

Paper Information
Conference: IICEHawaii2020
Stream: Educational Research

This paper is part of the IICEHawaii2020 Conference Proceedings (View)
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To cite this article:
Manley K., & Dainty J. (2020) Using Maximum Variation Strategy Within a Case Study to Explore Reasons Teachers Are Willing to Contribute Open Educational Resources ISSN: 2189-1036 – The IAFOR International Conference on Education – Hawaii 2020 Official Conference Proceedings (pp. 425-434)
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